Measure C Renewal Plan Update

Measure C Renewal Plan Update


April 15, 2021

Media Contact:

Rose Willems 559-600-3282

Brenda Veenendaal 559-233-4148, ext. 219

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(FRESNO, CA) – As part of the initial development of the Measure C Renewal Plan, the Fresno County Transportation Authority today shared a summary of the results of an initial poll conducted to gauge voter’s awareness of Measure C and their priorities for a future transportation funding measure under consideration.

Measure C was first passed in 1986 and renewed in 2006, resulting in billions of dollars of funding flowing into our community for transportation-related investments. The Measure C investments, characterized by ‘Promises Made, Promises Kept’, have allowed Fresno County to provide local jobs, improve our air quality, fix roads, avoid congestion, improve transit services and match local dollars with State and Federal funding, along with contributing to our local economy to help our Region recover from the pandemic.

The initial poll was conducted to determine voter support for another renewal of the Measure as well as to identify transportation priorities of the more than 2,500 County residents surveyed. Of those participating in the poll, 77% support the renewal of Measure C, as a half-cent sales tax to invest local dollars to improve and connect our local transportation systems.

David Cardenas, FCTA Board Member, Fresno COG Chair, and Co-Chair of the Measure C Renewal Executive Committee explained, “These results will provide the groups working on this measure a baseline of voter priorities but there is still much work to be done as we craft a plan to bring forward to the community.”

Dr. Richard Bernard, Partner with FM3 Research, highlighted the polling survey results at today’s FCTA Board meeting. The goals of this initial poll included:

  • Determine residents’ perception of transportation funding needs in Fresno County
  • Determine the public’s support for an extension of Measure C and a preferred duration
  • Provide residents with potential Measure C transportation improvements to gauge their support

The poll surveyed 2,500 respondents across eight subareas as shown on the attached map. All areas of the county were included with increased sampling in rural and disadvantaged areas of Fresno County.

Dr. Bernard went on to explain, “The sample size of the poll was close to 2,500 respondents which is more typical of a presidential election and very rare for a renewal effort on a local sales tax measure.”

The poll showed that the large majority of those surveyed preferred a measure that would be in place until voters acted to end it; that prioritized continued investments in fixing and improving local roads and highways; and kept transit fares low for students, seniors, veterans and the disabled.

Mike Leonardo, FCTA Executive Director, reinforced that the next steps in the renewal process will be for the community leaders, agencies, industries, and interest groups on the Measure C Executive Committee and Technical Working Group to review this polling information and additional data to assist in the creation of a plan that will be the best investment of local dollars and benefit all Fresno County residents. The Board will also be looking at the membership of the Executive Committee to ensure that the group best represents the various interest groups within the County. The goal is to prepare a plan for voters’ consideration on the November 2022 ballot.

Clovis City Council member Lynne Ashbeck, FCTA Vice Chair, and Co-Chair of the Measure C Renewal Executive Committee, who was also co-chair of the last Measure C renewal process in 2006, reflected on the lessons learned then that will be useful in the work ahead. “Transportation is at the center of so many parts of our communities – from roads to bike paths and trails, supporting our economy by moving goods throughout the County and State, ensuring that our residents can access healthcare, job centers, and retail services, and more. We know that Measure C is important to so many and we are committed to ensuring that all voices are heard in this process. Just as we did in 2006, I am confident we will create a Measure C Renewal Plan that will continue to set Fresno County apart as one of only twenty-five ‘Self-Help’ counties in the State.”


About Measure C

Measure C is a major part of making Fresno County a great place to live, work and play. Since 1986, the Measure C program has transformed Fresno County residents’ daily commute and quality of life through building and improving 1,200 miles of local streets, county roads and state highways. Measure C funds local and regional transit services, building trails, bike lanes and ADA facilities, while leading initiatives to better our air quality and bolster the local economy. Measure C successfully leverages local dollars with other resources to deliver billions of dollars in local transportation improvements, while providing tens of thousands of jobs. For a complete breakdown of funding initiatives, and to learn more about the Measure C Renewal Process please visit

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