Authority Board Members

Authority Board Members

Board member buddy

Ernest “Buddy” Mendes

Rural Supervisor Representative, County of Fresno
Term Expires 01/2025


Lynne Ashbeck
Vice Chairperson for the FCTA Board

Council Member, City of Clovis Representative
Term Expires 01/2025

Alma Beltran

Alma Beltran
Board Member East-Side City Representative

Mayor, City of Parlier
Term Expires 06/2026

Board member Paul Sihota

Paul Sihota
Member at Large-Rural Representative

Rural Public Member at Large
Term Expires 06/2025

Mayor Jerry Dyer Photo

Jerry Dyer
Board Member

Mayor, City of Fresno


Garry Bredefeld
Board Member

Urban Supervisor Representative, County of Fresno
Term Expires 01/2027

Mike Karbassi

Mike Karbassi
Board Member

Council Representative, City of Fresno
Term Expires 01/2027


Sarah Harris
Member at Large-Urban Representative

Urban Public Member at Large
Term Expires 10/2026

Terry Ogle

Terry Ogle
Executive Director, Fresno County Transportation Authority

Term Starts 2024


Victor Martinez
Board Member, West-Side City

Mayor, City of Mendota
Term Expires 06/2025


The Extension of Measure C amended the Authority Board Selection Rules and Members as of July 1, 2007. The current Authority Board terms are for two years and consist of nine members selected as follows:

Two members from the Board of Supervisors, appointed by the board, consisting of one member from rural district 1, 4, or 5 and one member from urban district 2 or 3.

Two members representing the City of Fresno, consisting of the mayor and a member appointed by the city council.

One member representing the City of Clovis, appointed by the Clovis City Council.

Two members representing the other cities within the county, consisting of one Westside Member appointed by a committee comprised of the mayors of each of those cities west of SR99, and one Eastside Member appointed by a committee comprised of the mayors of each of those cities east of SR99.

Two Public Members at Large, consisting of one Rural Member appointed by the Fresno County Board of Supervisors with the appointee residing outside of the incorporated areas of Fresno and Clovis, and one Urban Member appointed jointly by the city councils of Fresno and Clovis with the appointee residing within the incorporated area of Fresno and Clovis.

Measure C was renewed November 6, 2006 by 78% which amended the Board Selection Rules and Membership as of July 1, 2007.


Applications for the FCTA Rural Public Member at Large Board position residing outside the Incorporated Areas of the city of Clovis or Fresno may be submitted online. Just click the button below to be routed to the application.

Please check the county website above for applications and submission deadlines or contact the FCTA Executive Office.

Letters of Consideration for the FCTA Urban Public Member at Large Board position residing inside the Incorporated Area of the city of Clovis or Fresno may be submitted online or mailed to:

Fresno County Transportation Authority
Attn: City of Fresno and Clovis City Council
Re: Urban Public Member at Large
2220 Tulare Street, Floor 21, Suite 2101
Fresno, CA 93721

Interested parties must include the address they reside at and any other committees or boards they currently serve on. The potential appointee should also include what experience or special knowledge they bring to the position. The appointment of this position will be made jointly by the city councils of Fresno and Clovis. Applications will be kept for one year. When a term expires or is vacant, all applications on file will be vetted for eligibility by the Authority and submitted to the City Councils of Fresno and Clovis and all applicants will be notified of the outcome.

All Board positions are for two-year terms. Meetings are generally held on Wednesdays at 9 a.m., six times per year.

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